Saturday, December 22, 2007

all about me

age - 2 years, 11 months, 14 days
weight - 12kg
height - 85cm

date - 8 january 2005
time - 2:55pm
place - damansara specialist hospital

tooth - 10 january 2005
smile - 30 january 2005
slept through the night - 29 april 2005
waved - 9 december 2005
walked - 15 march 2006
dressed - 3 october 2007


mrika said...

hey there ... you've an interesting blog. :-)

and i must applaud you on being so rajin at updating your blog, PLUS adding separate blogs for your 3 boys. also worthy a pat-on-the-back - how you've noted your son's firsts, complete with dates.

will be popping by here more often.